When fall arrives and temperatures slowly begin to creep below freezing, many homeowners begin wondering how these low temperatures will affect their lawns. Most often those who have just established a new warm season grass species such as zoysia or Bermuda grass fear that the onset of freezing weather may negatively impact their lawn. Beyond just cold weather, some wonder whether or not it is possible for snow to kill Bermuda grass.
In this resource we will go over some of the impacts that cool weather and snow may have on warm season grass species such as Bermuda grass and measures that can be taken to protect your lawn, much like regular roof cleaning can protect your roof.
Does Bermuda Grass Die in The Winter?
Bermuda grass is a warm season species of turf grass. This means that it is extremely tolerant of drought and heat. On the flip side Bermuda grass will also go dormant in the winter resulting in a less than lively look. When Bermuda grass goes dormant it becomes brown and looks as if it is dead. While the grass may look dead it is not. As soon as temperatures start to rise, the Bermuda grass will green up and look as lush as ever, assuming it is in good condition. The cold weather should not harm or damage your Bermuda grass lawn in South Carolina. Even in cooler climates Bermuda grass can still be used and handle the cooler temperatures. Even a business that provides lawn care in Springdale frequently cares for Bermuda lawns in Arkansas.
Can Snow Kill Bermuda Grass?
Warm season grasses are bred to thrive in warmer environments, this is what makes it a staple for lawns, golf courses, and sports fields in the southeastern United States. While this species of grass may be bred for warmer weather, it is also frequently used in cooler climates and is quite resilient to cold weather. Even snow won’t kill Bermuda grass. It will just remain dormant until temperatures start to climb over 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
If you have any questions about Bermuda grass and its tolerance of snow and colder weather, comment below. We will be more than happy to answer any questions you have.